
01-08 生活常识 投稿:你与清晨阳光

  7. The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable  to .

A. sit   B. sit on   C. be sat  D .be sat on

8. It is easy these questions.

 A. answer B. to be answered C. for answering  D. for her to answer

9. ____is easier than doing.

A. To talk  B. Talk   C. Talking   D. Talks

10. Don't forget your lawyer this weekend.

A. meeting   B. to meet C. having met D. met

11. I am afraid I forget you before.

A. to meet B. meeting C. meet   D. met

12. My pen is rather old, but it is all right for me to .

A. write B. write with C. be written  D. be written with

13. He doesn't know to say or not.

A. if B. either C .whether D. if he will

14. The doctor advises less and more exercise.

  A. to eat; to take  B. eating; to take

  C. eating; taking    D. to eat; taking

15.-What are you going to do this afternoon?

-I'm thinking of to visit my aunt.

A. go    B. going  C. having gone D. my going

16. The deer was lucky that it just missed .

A. catching  B. to be caught  C. being caught  D. to catch

17. You should keep on English every day.

A. to practise to speak  B. to practise speaking

C. practising to speak  D. practising speaking

18. The student doesn't mind when he speaks English.

  A. being laughed  B. being laughed at

  C. to be laughed  D. laughing at

19. The sentence needs .

A. improve  B. improving  C. improved D. an improvement

20. Have you used a bag?

A. sleeping B. sleep   C. asleep D. slept

21. Little Tom could do nothing but .

A. waited B. waiting  C. wait D. to wait

22. ______made her mother angry.

A. Helen's married Jack  B. Helen's marrying Jack

C. Helen's has married Jack D. Helen's marrying with Jack

23. The problem is worth .

A. discussing B. to discuss  C. discussed D. to be discussed

24. He has never spent a day.

  A. more worry B. most worrying 

 C. more worrying D. most worry

25. Most of the people to the party were famous scientists.

A. invited  B. to invited  C. being invited  D. inviting

26. The news sounds .

A. encouraging  B. encouraged  C. encourage  D. to encourage

27. -Good morning. Can I help you?

-I'd like to have this package , madam.

A. be weighed  B. to be weighed  C. to weigh  D. weighed

28._______anything about the accident, he went to work as usual.

A. Not known B. Known not  C. Knowing  D. Not knowing

29.__________to the party, Joan was greatly hurt.

A. Having not been invited  B. Not having been invited

C. Having not invited  D. Not having invited

30._______by a policeman, the children crossed the street safely.

A. To lead   B. Lead C. Leading D. Led

31. The boy ________a blue jacket is John's brother.

A. wear B. wore C. wearing D. wears

32._______English is quite different from written English.

A. Spoken B. Speak C. Spoke D. Speaking

33. He is from an ________country.

  A. English-spoken B. English-speaking 

 C. speaking-English   D. English-speak

34.________their lessons, they went to the cinema.

A. Finishing B. Had finished   C. Finished D. Having finished

35.______he had won the first prize, he felt very happy.

A. Know B. Known C. Knowing D. Being known

  36.As soon as she entered the room, the girl caught sight of the flowers by her mother.

A. buying  B. being bought   C. were bought D. bought

  37. The old scientist has been invited to a party ______ next Monday evening.

A. holding B. hold  C. being held D. to be held

38. The building now will be used as our reading room.

A. built B. to be built C. being built D. is built

39. I advised at once.

A. him to starting  B. him to start C. to starting D. to start

40. You shouldn't allow games near the classroom, for it's too noisy.

A. student playing   B. to play  C. students to play  D. to playing

41. The students are kept busy their lessons.

A. to review  B. review  C. reviewing  D. on reviewing

  42. I knew he didn't listen to me, but I went on to get him in the proposal.

 A. hoping; interesting  B. to hope; interesting  

  C. hoping; interest  D. hoping; interested

43. We can't get the car .We need someone us.

 A. to go; to help B. going; to help  C. going; helping D. gone; helping

44. I prefer to watch football.

A. to play  B. to playing  C. rather than play D. than to play

45. The day we had looked forward to at last.

A. coming B. come C. came D. comes

46. I hope you'll succeed this task.

A. finishes  B. to finish  C. finish  D. in finishing

47. He couldn't open the front door, so he tried the back door.

A. push   B. to push   C. pushed D. pushing

48. I don't want that sort of thing 

A. keep happen    B. keep happening 

C. to keep happen  D. to keep happening

49. My watch wants . It doesn't the right time.

A. to repair; tell  B. being repaired; say

 C. repairing; speak   D. repairing; tell

50. The doctor advised him to give up , but he refused so.

A. to smoke; doing B. smoking; to do

 C. to smoke; to do D. smoking; doing

51._______very small, computers are widely used.

A. Because B. As   C. Since D. Being

52._______many times, but he still couldn't understand it.

A. Having been told  B. He had been told  

 C. Though he had been told  D. Having told

53.______to the left and you'll see the post office.

A. To turn B. Turning C. Turned D. Turn

54. When , ice changes into water.

A. to heat  B. heating  C. heated  D. they are heated

55.______with his brother, he is not so clever.

A. Compare B. To compare C. Comparing D. Compared

56. Asked if he could come to the party that night, .

A. nobody said anything 

B. they didn't get an answer from him

C. nothing was said by him 

D. John nodded his head and left the room

57. Lessons easily are soon forgotten.

A. to learn B. learn C. learned D. learning

58. Among these ships are none to us.

A. belonged  B. to be belonged C. belonging  D. belongs

59.-Who were those people with the bananas?

-A group itself the League for Peace.

A. calling B. calls C .called D. is called

60. The television is a machine.

A. newly-inventing   B. newly-invented 

 C. newly-invent   D. newly-invention


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