aloof, detached, reserved

01-22 生活常识 投稿:管理员
aloof, detached, reserved
这些形容词都可以形容情感上是,或看上去是与其它人有距离的人。Aloof应用于在礼仪或兴趣上疏远他人的人,比如不愿意与他们认为智力或交际次一等的人交往,或是出于习惯性的害羞或习性。【she now holds herself aloof from society,preferring to spend her days and nights dwelling on her memories; He always affected a grand ,aloof manner with us poor middle-class people who work for a living.】detached表示不涉及情感或理智,通常指中立的观查者的中性的态度:the surgeon's detached approach to pain.Detached也可以表示分心,情感上的排斥。【He always seems so detached about everything:you can't reach him at all】reserved表示不愿意表达个人的感情和想法 reserved强调举止,而detached强调态度。它们两个都能与美好的品质联系起来,而aloof则并非如此。【He was a diffident ,scholarly fellow with a reserved but genial manner; She looked about her with a detached air and announced to no one in particular that she was about to be sick.】 反义词:communicative, gregarious,neighborly,sociable,talkative.

​翻译自《choose the right word》
标签: # 的人 # 不愿意