
(Excerpts from “A Historic Leap Toward the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation” by CPC Leadership Group of the National Development and Reform Commission, Qiushi Journal, No. 05, 2021)
Building a modern economic system
We must continue to make the real economy the focus of economic development, work determinedly to build China’s strength in manufacturing, product quality, cyberspace, and digital technology, advance efforts to upgrade our industrial base and modernize industrial chains, boost the quality and returns of development, and increase our core competitiveness. We must modernize our industrial and supply chains and push traditional industries to become more smart, green, and high-end. We must develop strategic emerging industries, and consolidate the foundations of the real economy. We must accelerate the development of a modern service sector, and push industrial services to become more professional and to move toward the high end of the value chain. We must advance infrastructure development in a coordinated manner, building a modern infrastructure system that is well equipped, efficient, practical, smart, green, safe, and reliable. We must accelerate digital development, grow the digital economy, promote thorough integration between the digital economy and the real economy, set up internationally competitive clusters of digital industries, and safeguard our country’s data security.