
Our French courses follow a progression in line with th Common European framework of Reference for Languages which clearly defines the communication targets (listening, taking part in a conversation, speaking without interruption, reading and writing) according to ability levels (beginner, elementary, intermediate, advanced and highest level). The main point of this classification is to help you measure your progress at each stage of your learning experience and through life.
The Common European framework of Reference (CEFR)
ListeningReadingTaking part in a conversationSpeaking without interruptionReading1Understand familar words and very common expressions.Understand familiar words as well as very simple phrases such as advertisements, posters or catalogues.Communicate in a simple way provided the interlocutor is prepared to repeat or reformulate his sentences more slowly and to help formulate what one is trying to say. Ask simple questions on familiar topics or on ones immediate needs. Answer such questions.Use simple phrases and expressions to describe ones home and acquaintances.Write a short postcard such as a holiday card. Fill in a questionnaire, writing, for instance, ones name, nationality and address on a hotel registration form.A2-1Recognise simple communications already met and heard in familiar situations. Understand numbers and figures as well as simple words referring to characters in a short story.Understand previously written communications. Identify the main ideas in a personal mail or in a text dealing with a familar theme.Take part in brief conversations in simple and well-known situations (meeting people, shopping, asking for information) without the interlocutor having much difficulty understanding.Introduce oneself and ones own family to friends (identity, work, leisure, home) in a few simple phrases.Write in 2 or 3 sentences some simple information which has been communicated orally.A2-1Understand simple but never heard communications regarding familiar themes. Understand brief and clear work orders. Understand figures and numbers that come up in sentences.
Understand the gist of a very short simple text with few unknown words or structures. Find a specificpiece of information in a document dealing with a familiar theme or personal area.In a brief conversation, ask questions and reply on familiar themes, answers requiring no long intervention or expression of personal opinions.Describe in a few sentences and using simple structures ones own personal situation and give a brief summary of the most important information regarding oneself, with reference to the main theme of the intervention (personal preferences, training..)Write a message or a brief note to communicate some information based on documents or making use of the dictionary. The general meaning of the note/message is clear despite a few language errors.A2-3Understand the main idea of a discussion on a familiar theme. Understand the simple phrases of a short story and identify the words or groups of words indicating a change in tense as well as the most common link terms.Understand most of a simple text or mail regarding a familiar theme or personal area. Recognise the logical and chronological hinge phrases in a story.After preparation, communicate in a simple and well-known situation with only a simple and direct exchange of information regarding familiar activities or topics. Only few errors made that could make understanding difficult.Describe in a few sentences and in a simple way a recent experience (course, job..).Write a personal letter to introduce oneself, thank someone or talk about oneself. Write a brief note or a message as a reply to a question. One still needs to read the writing a few times to make sense of the errors impeding comprehension.B1-1In a short story, recognise the unfolding of events and situate characters and places in relation to events. Understand the main points of any other type of recording of same difficulty.Recognise the structure of a simple and not overlong mail or text. Understand the main events and key ideas in a text or mail dealing with a familiar theme.Take part in a conversation involving both brief and usual exchanges and a few exchanges regarding ones own situation (family, leisure, work, studies) as well as simple information on a familiar theme.Describe an event or an experience coherently and in a few simple sentences. Express an opinion.Write a simple and coherent text on a familiar topic. Write a personal letter. On a second reading, be able to correct ones more important language errors.B1-2In a discussion of under two minutes, understand the view taken by each of the participants talking clearly about a familiar theme. Identify and understand specific information in a document. In a longer text, understand the unfolding of events with a familiar theme.In any kind of text or short correspondence written in non specialised language, be able to understand the main information of a general order dealing with a familiar, professional or well known theme.Participate without much difficulty in a conversation and remain reasonably confident when the interlocutors touch on unfamiliar themes. It is still necessary to look for words and ask for the help of interlocutors.Present and briefly justify ones opinions or intentions, in a coherent way.Relate events, give an account of a training course or other experiences, and describe ones impressions in a text of no less than 10 lines without overusing the dictionary.B1-3Understand the details of a 2 minutes minimum account on a known topic. Understand technical information about products or services. Understand the clearly stated points made by the participants in a discussion.Understand most of a text or correspondence not exceeding 40 lines in length, written in standard French and dealing with a known professional area or a previously studied topic.Be able to deal with the majority of situations one could come across while travelling in a French speaking country. Take part without preparation in a conversation involving familiar topics or of a personal interest about daily life.Tell the plot of a film/novel and describe ones reactions making use of appropriate time and link expressions.Write without any difficulty a personal letter or a simple and coherent text on familiar themes, making sure the errors will not impede the understanding.B2Follow a reasonably long intervention and a discussion on a well known topic. Understand most newspapers, TV material and films spoken in standard French.Read articles and reports on topical matters in which writers take on a particular position or express a certain opinion. Understand a contemporary literary passage written in prose.Communicate with a degree of spontaneity and ease allowing a normal interaction with a native interlocutor.Express oneself in a clear and detailed manner on a large range of themes connected with ones own interets. Develop a reasoned opinion on a topical matter. Explain the pros and cons of various possibilities.Write clear and detailed texts on a large range of themes connected with ones own interests. Write an essay or a report putting across some information or stating the reasons for and against a given opinion. Write letters emphasizing the personal relevance one has found in events or experiences.C1Follow a fairly long intervention or conversation as well as a TV programme or film.Understand long and complex literary and factual texts and be able to appreciate their differences in style. Understand specialised articles and long technical instructions.Express oneself fluently and spontaneously without seeming to be looking for words. Use the language in a flexible and efficient way in a social or professional context. Express ones ideas or opinions and intervene in conversation with interlocutors.Present clear and detailed descriptions of complex topics integrating the relevant themes, developing certain points and concluding in an appropriate manner.Express oneself in a clear and well structured text and develop ones point of view. Write on complex themes in a letter, an essay or a report, stressing the key points and using an appropriate style for the reader.C2Understand the spoken language without the least difficulty, even spoken fast.Read effortlessly any kind of text, be it abstract or complex, in its form or ideas. For instance, a manual, a specialised article or literary work.Participate effortlessly in any conversation or discussion. Be at ease with idiomatic expressions and turns of phrases. Express fine nuances with clarity.Present a clear and fluid description or argument in a style that suits the context. Construct a presentation in a logical manner and help the listener note and remember the key points.Write a clear and fluid text whose style is in keeping with the circumstances. Write complex letters, reports or articles , well structured so the reader can identify and memorise the key points. Sum up and criticise a professional or literary work.