
151. In the processor's view, it is nonsense that a man having a clear conscience dares to walk across the cemetery, in view of a simple reason: having a clear conscience is irrelevant to having the courage to cross the cemetery.
在这位教授看来,一个问心无愧得人敢于走过坟地得说法完全是乱说一通; 因为一个很简单得理由: 问心无愧与有胆量走过坟地是毫无关系得。
152. All the paper that you write is made from trees which are cut down after spending years growing, so if the value of your writing doesn't overtake that of the trees, then you'd better stop writing.
153. The careless dumb patient just glanced at the bottle, mistook the button in it for the pill and swallowed it with the boiled water, which is fortunately not fatal.
这名初心得愚钝得病人仅仅瞄了下瓶子,错把 里面得纽扣当成了药片,用开水服了下去,幸好不致命。
154. The pregnant cashier's absence from the checkout in the chain store aroused the manager's concern, and he substituted one for her in case the messy situation became worse.
155. In despair, the violent robbers dressed in prison uniforms with powerful weapons steered a jeep along the rough valley road when the police were tracing them, wanting to oblige(迫使) them to give in before they fled to urban district in panic(恐慌)