aggression, assault, attack, offensive的区别

01-01 生活常识 投稿:翻过的亲切
aggression, assault, attack, offensive的区别
所有这些名词都指对其它人或团体发起的行动,尤其是在战争中。Aggression指未受挑衅的好战行动,由一国发起,意在另一国的领土。Attack是旨在伤害或毁灭其它,通常趁其不备或防备松懈。Assault是一个暴力的attack,太过暴力以至于经常暗示对人的虐待,动机则是妒忌,怨恨或类似。attack和assault 都可用于任何暴力冲突,言语上的或是身体上的:a personal assault on the character of the president; a vigorous attack on the trade policy of the new administration.【we will continue to resist aggression because tyranny must be resisted; the attack came just before dawn; the final assaults were designed to crush the last remnant of enemy resistance.】如第一个例句所示,aggression现在被广泛用于外交中,描述各种各样的反对或敌视自已国家的行为,因此,aggression已经使去了很多原有的含义。assault相比起attack 有更多的突然和惊讶的成分,surprise attack这个表达就是很好的例证,这一强调对assault来说就没有必要。使用心理分析来说,aggression倾 向于有敌意的行动。这个意思形成了大量的类似的流行用法:He just taking out his aggressions on me. offensive是指一个侵犯或攻击的动作或位置。在有语境中,它可以与attack 互换,但是在其它语境中,它指的是大规模协调的有人与物资的战役:a major new offensive was launched in the western front.在最近的外交语言中,offensive 有时被用于initiative的同义词:a peace offensive in the form of a 3-point offer to negotiate an end to the war. 反义词:defense, repulsion,retreat,surrender,withdrawal,

​翻译自《choose the right word》
标签: # 暴力 # 语境