
A video from late May 2018 shows a swarm of56 small, unmanned boats operating in the South China Sea. While a rudimentarydemonstration, it mirrors similar exercises performed by U.S. Navy boatspracticing — semi-autonomously — to defend harbors and intercept incomingvessels. The Chinese robo-boats do not appear to be armed, but the companybehind it — Yunzhou Tech Corporation — revealed an armed unmanned boat at aBeijing “Civil-Military Integration Expo” in July 2017. The show focused oncutting-edge technologies that China believes could provide an “asymmetric”advantage in a conflict with the United States. Meaning, cheaper technologiesand tactics that allow a weaker adversary to exploit unanticipated weaknessesin a more powerful opponent. If the at-sea demonstration is any sign, thosecapabilities are developing.
The expensive and difficult portion of arobotic swarm is the technology you can’t see — the networks and algorithmsthat allow machines to work together and avoid obstacles. The boats themselvesare cheap. once you figure out the mathematical problems, then it’s a simplematter of arming each of those small boats with rockets and missiles andsending them after a $1 billion cruiser. Like a swarm of mosquitoes, thecruiser can’t swat them all away before one draws blood. However, the Chinesemilitary is not entirely sold on the concept, as there are moreconservative-minded generals who prefer the People’s Liberation Army focuson improving and expanding itsconventional, and established, military forces — warships, fighter jets andmissiles — as opposed to taking risks on largely untried technology.
But Chinese companies are still developingdrones, and the armed Wing Loong — similar to the U.S. Predator — hasproliferated to Africa where it has seen combat. A more anodyne set of examplesof developing Chinese drone tech are the dancing displays of networked machinestaking to the skies during public events. “Clearly theU.S. and China are in some sort of weird swarm race,” Paul Scharre of theCenter for New American Security told the Financial Timeslast year in a broadoverview of the trend. That same article discussed the divide within the PLAover whether this tech — not as far-flung as it used to be — is worth theinvestment. “China, which is at the center of the commercial drone industry,has some advantages as the era of unmanned systems dawns,” the article’sauthors Emily Feng and Charles Clover wrote. That would be China’s largedomestic consumer demand for drones, and the country’s large manufacturing baseworking together to spur development. Naturally, the Chinese government andmilitary are tapping into it.
但是中国依然在开发无人机。中国开发出与美国军方“捕食者”类似的“翼龙”战机。这款无人机已经在非洲大陆上开花结果,已经开始在非洲参与到战斗当中去。有很多例子可以看出中国无人机的发展。在中国的很多大型活动场合,都有大批的无人机在网络的控制下进行表演。很显然,美国和中国正处在某种竞争当中。“新美国安全中心“的保罗.沙勒去年在接受英国《金融时报》采访的时候,曾对这一发展趋势进行了广泛的描述。这篇文章讨论了PLA内部对于这项新技术的一些看法,他们讨论这项新技术是否值得进行投资。文章的作者艾米丽.冯和查尔斯. 克劳尔写到:“中国已经成为了全球商业无人机产业的中心,随着无人系统在世界开始逐步流行开来,中国所拥有的优势越来越明显。”中国国内对无人机有着巨大的需求,中国本身拥有着庞大的制造业的基础。两者互相促进,不断发展。很自然的,中国的ZF和中国的军方也对此投入了越来越大的心力