读THE STORY OF BIBLE(by Hendrik Willem Van Loon)

1. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Foreword】For many centuries, it was almost the only book your ancestors possessed or cared to read. They knew it by heart. They made the Law of Moses the highest law of the land.
【陈嘉珉读感】世纪之交各自通读过一遍基督教圣经、牧灵圣经和一本英文圣经,应该说是把圣经读了三遍。最后一遍读出一个字——“约”,如今在Van Loon的THE STORY OF BIBLE这里得到印证。圣经讲了一个“约”字,故名“旧约”、“新约”。圣经认为人一出生就和上帝有个“约”,若不守“约”,就会受到惩罚;圣经认为人一出生就和他人、社会有个“约”,若不守“约”,就会受到惩罚。西方法治源于圣经,源于“Law of Moses”,如Van Loon所说,在很多个世纪里西方人只有圣经一本书,他们把圣经中的摩西律法视为人类土地上最高的法律。西方公民的法制观念基于对基督的宗教信仰,难怪西方人把法庭建得和教堂一样神圣,人们相信法律就像相信圣经,相信法官就像相信上帝、神父一样。世界上什么事情最最需要守“约”呢?那就是金融,因此圣经的民族必然会发明和垄断金融工具。
2. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Foreword】The New Testament centers around one single figure. It tells the story of a simple carpenter of the village of Nazareth, who asked nothing of life and gave all.
3. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 4】It is not good for boys to know that their father likes them better than their brothers. It is apt to spoil them.
4. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 7】And these are the commandments which Jehovah had given Moses for the conduct of the Jews: They must recognize no gods except Jehovah. They must not make themselves graven images, such as had been used in the land of Egypt. They must not take the name of Jehovah in vein. They must work six days but rest on the seventh day, and use it to worship their God. They must always honor their fathers and their mothers. They must not murder. They must not take another man’s wife, and women must not take another women’s husband. They must not steal. They must never give false testimony against their neighbors. They must not be greedy and wish for their neighbor’s house, nor his servants, nor his cattle, nor anything that belonged to their neighbor. The Jews now had their laws. But they needed a place where they could come together to worship Jehovah. Moses therefore ordered a temple to be built. It was really a church, made out of wooden walls, which were covered with an awning.
5. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 9】Whenever the Philistines burned down one Hebrew village, the Jews retaliated by destroying two Philistines villages. Then the Philistine thought it their duty to plunder three Jewish villages and the Jews, on their side, went further and pillaged four Philistine villages. It was an endless chain of mutual murder, during which very little of importance was accomplished.
6. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 9】Almost every country, during the early period of settlement, passes through such an agony of bloodshed.
7. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 9】Jephthah kept his word. He took his daughter and he sacrificed her on Jehovah''s altar and burned her body and peace reigned once more in the land of Israel.
8. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 9】It was the habit of the Jews, whenever they went forth to battle, to carry the Ark with them……The Ark, without the presence of the spirit of Jehovah, was just a plain wooden box.
9. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 11】All of this did not come without warning. In history, as in nature, nothing ever happens suddenly. It often looks that way. But the underlying secret causes of an abrupt change have been at work for hundreds of years. The final collapse of a mountain or the downfall of an old institution may take a few minutes or seconds. The work of preparation, however, and of slow demolition has been the labour of many generations. And the Jewish nation just then was passing through such a period of transition, although not one citizen in a hundred thousand seemed to understand what was actually happening. Perhaps this is a slight exaggeration. Not all the people were entirely blind to the dangers which threatened the national soul. A few men who could see things more sharply than their neighbors uttered ominous words of warning. They were called Prophets.
10. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 11】What was a Prophet? It is hard to define the word. Perhaps we shall do best by calling the Prophets the spiritual leaders of the Jewish people. Many of them were great poets. But they were more than that. Several of them had the gift of speech. But they were something beyond mere orators. One thing they all had in common. They dared to stand up for the truth as they saw it. A good many of them were very narrow-minded and utterly intolerant of any opinion which differed from their own view. But they had the courage of their convictions and sacrificed everything (including their own lives) when it came to a question of principles. Whenever a King of Israel or a King of Judah committed a wrong there was a Prophet to tell them so. Whenever the people left the narrow path of divine righteousness, a Prophet stepped forward to remind them of the error of their ways. Whenever the nation was guilty of a crime, a Prophet foretold the coming wrath of almighty Jehovah. Until the voice of the Prophets became the concrete expression of the national conscience.
11. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 11】The men of the army told him that he was both reckless and foolish, but David insisted. When his comrades saw he meant to do what he said they tried to prepare him for the combat. From the King down, they offered him their arms. But David answered “No.” He did not need swords and spears and shields. He needed the moral support of Jehovah. That was all.
12. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 11】They wanted a king. But just as soon as they had a King they began to resent his power. And even David, with his tremendous prestige, was not strong enough to overcome prejudice and assert himself when he was called upon to punish a popular soldier who had broken the law.
13. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 11】According to old Jewish law, no layman had the right to touch the Ark. That was the exclusive business of the priests.
14. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 11】Like Jeseph and several other great Jewish leaders, Solomon was very apt to have visions when he was asleep. Shortly after his accession to the throne, he dreamed that Jehovah asked him what gift he desired above all others. Solomon answered that he chose wisdom. The word “wisdom” in the old Hebrew sense could be translated by either “wisdom” or “shrewdness”. Solomon had his share of both. He was exceedingly clever, but not rash. As king of the Jews he also was the chief justice of the nation. One of the first cases that were brought before him was a quarrel before two women who both claimed a small child as their own. Solomon ordered one of his life-guards to take the baby and hack it in two and give half of it to each of the women. What he had expected actually happened. The real mother begged the soldier to spare the child’s life. “For it is better,” so she argued, “That the wrong mother keep the child than it should suffer death in this terrible way.”
15. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 11】The heart of the temple, the Holy of Hohes, was a square little room, thirty feet long and wide and thirty feet high. Inside there stood the carved figures of two large angels. Underneath their outspread wings rested the Ark, the plain wooden box which had now followed the Jews on their peregrinations for almost six centuries. It contained the two pieces of stone upon which Jehovah had engraved his Holy Laws, when he appeared to Moses amidst the clouds of Mont Sinai.
16. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 13】And the Chinese, thus far, are the only people who have ever had the patience to build protective walls across a desert.
【陈嘉珉读感】难得Willem Van Loon在书中提到中国人,他认为迄今为止只有中国人,有耐心在沙漠上修筑一道防御性的抵御外敌的墙。可是这道墙——几乎与封闭的帝国一同开始。
17. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 16】The next chapter, called Ecclesiastes or “the Preacher”, is a purely religious volume. It is a tired but a very human book. It delves deeply into the problems of life and faith. It reflects the weary and rather personal wisdom of the famous Jewish physician who is said to be its author. What is the use, so he asked, of those seventy years of toil and anxiety, which represent the average human life? The end of all things is grave. The good die. The wicked die. The all die. What does it all mean? The righteous suffer persecution. The ungodly gather riches. Is there no reason in this human misery? “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.” And so on for twelve whole chapters.
18. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 16】Man changes, but his soul remains the same. If we are wise, we too shall find much consolation in these books of poetry. What we suffer, others have suffered before us and still others will suffer in the years that are to come.
19. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 20】Usually the happiness of a people is in inverse ratio to their riches. When they grow rich and prosperous beyond a certain definite point, they begin to lose interest in those simple pleasures without which life becomes a vast span of boredom which stretches from the cradle to the grave.
20. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 22】It was true many of the Greek philosophers had come to an identical conclusion. They too had discovered that true happiness was a matter of the soul and did not depend upon a pocket filled with drachmas or the noisy approval of the crowd in the stadium.
21. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 23】In the days of Jesus it was comparatively easy for an intelligent man with a new idea to get a hearing. He did not need a lecture-room, and he was not obliged to spend his valuable time waiting until someone had made him a professor or had ordained him as a minister.
22. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 24】To him, all men and all women, tax-gatherers, politicians, saints and sinners, were alike. He recognized and accepted their common humanity. And that there might be no doubt about his stand upon this matter, he took all his disciples and together with them he went to dine at house of one of the offending officials as if it were an honor to sit at the humble table of a Roman henchman.
23. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 26】He wanted he implored people to love their neighbours and to stop quarrelling among themselves. He was crushed by the cruelty and the unreasoning injustice of everything he saw around him. By nature he was cheerful. Life was a joy to him and not a burden. He loved his mother, his family, his friends. He took part in all the simple pleasures of his village. He was not a hermit and did not encourage those who tried to save their own souls by running away from life. But the world seemed so needlessly full of waste, of pain, of violence and disorder. In the simplicity of his great heart, Jesus offered a cure of his own for these ills. He called it love. And that one word was the sum total of his teaching. He did not greatly interest himself in the existing order of things. He did not argue against the Empire. He never spoke in favor of it. The Pharisees slyly tried to catch him in an expression of sedition when they asked him what he thought of the Empire. But Jesus knew that every form of government is merely a compromise and he refused to commit himself. He advised his hearers to obey the law of the land and to think more of their own faults than of the virtues of the defects of their rulers. He did not tell his pupils to keep away from the service in the Temple, but encouraged them to be faithful in the performance of their religious duties. He had a sincere admiration for the wisdom of the Old Testament, and continually referred to it in his own conversation. In short, he refrained from saying or preaching or advocating anything that could be construed as an open challenge of the established laws. But from the point of view of the Pharisees, he was much more dangerous than the fiercest of all rebels. He made the people think for themselves.
24. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 26】It was a warm night. They were all very tired. After a while Jesus walked away from the little group. But three of the disciples who were closest to him, followed at a distance. He turned around and bade them wait and watch while he prayed. The time had come for a final decision. Escape was still possible, but escape would mean a silent confession of guilt and defeat for his ideas. He was alone among the silent trees and fought his last great battle. He was a man in the fullness of his years. Life still held a great promise. Death, once his enemies captured him, would come in a most terrible form. He made his choice. He stayed.
25. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 26】Jesus was nailed to the cross. Over his head the Roman soldiers fastened a slip of paper, carrying the words, “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” ……On the cross, Jesus was softly murmuring words which few could understand. A kindly of Roman soldier had soaked a sponge in myrrh and thrust it to Jesus on the end of a pike. Such a potion would deaden the pain of his lacerated hands and feet, but Jesus refused it. By a last and supreme effort, he held to his consciousness. And he uttered a prayer. He asked that his enemies be forgiven for what they had done unto him. Then he whispered, “It is finished.” And he died.
26. 【THE STORY OF BIBLE by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, Chapter 27】The teaching of Jesus was the noblest expression of a human soul seeking happiness in the exercise of love and justice. And this accounts for the survival and final triumph of an idea which so many people during so many centuries have tried to destroy. The world in which Jesus lived was very badly balanced. Those who sat in the seats of the mighty had too much and those who lived in slavery had too little. But the latter outnumbered the former a thousand to one. It was among the very poor that the words of Jesus were first heard; that his lessons of kindliness, his assurance that the Mighty Spirit which dominates this universe was a spirit of love, were first discussed and accepted. Those simple folk had never been touched by the plausible philosophies of the Sceptics and the Epicureans. They could not read and they did not know how to write. They had ears, however, with which to hear. To their masters they were little better than the cows grazing in the fields. They lived and died and were forgotten and no one mourned their loss. Then suddenly the door of their bondage was opened wide and they were given a glimpse of the truth that all men are children of One Heavenly Father. As was to be expected, the first people to accept the new faith were those Jews who lived in the same neighbourhood and who had been able to hear him and feel the charm of his words and see the fearless light in his eyes.